1周年記念パーティー報告〈第3弾〉The 10th International Tea Party – India ”Post-event summary”/ 第10回インターナショナル・ティーパーティー インド編 ”報告”

The afternoon of the first anniversary party began with a magnificent saree flutter!

A total of 15 Indian ladies & kids dressed in sarees welcomed our guests. The power of the event was so overwhelming that we were all stunned.

Not only sarees but also accessories and bindis (sticker-like markings to be attached to foreheads) were provided, the lounge seemed to bloom one large flower after another. The front wall was decorated with an upgraded Ganesha, a familiar face from our Nepali tea party.

The seven petal-like decorations decorating the front of Ganesha are originally meant to be placed on the floor of the entrance, but should never be stepped on. Since it is a venerable gem that one of the participants had inherited from her mother, there must be no mistake. Therefore, we placed it on the table this time. The white flower-like decorations around it were carefully added by hand right before the party, and are made of rice flour. When you get closer, it looks like this:

Beautiful, isn’t it! You all may have been so caught up in the sarees that you didn’t notice.

Of course, this is a tea party, and we surely arranged tea and sweets.

手前左から、Murukku(ムルック)という甘い揚げ菓子、真ん中がBhel Puri(ベルプリ)というかなり辛いおつまみのようなスナック、右がMoong Dal(ムングダル)という豆から作った塩味のスナック、奥がSoan Papdi(ソアンパプディ)というナッツとバターオイルで作られた甘いお菓子です。
In the front, from left to right, is Murukku, a sweet fried snack; in the middle, Bhel Puri, a rather spicy snack; on the right, Moong Dal, a salty snack made from beans; and in the back, Soan Papdi, a sweet snack made from nuts and butter oil.

In South India, they place banana leaves on the table instead of cloth.

Then comes the chai.
A mother kindly made it while holding the baby according to an authentic recipe.
The Masala chai was soooo delicious!

本日のお茶は、Tata Tea Goldを使用しました。レシピは:
We tried Tata Tea Gold this time and here is the recipe:

・クローブ 2 、3粒 (2 to 3 cloves) 
・シナモン 小さじ½~¾ (½ to ¾ cinnamon)
・グリーンカルダモン 4粒 (4 green cardamoms)
・水1カップ (1 cup of water)
・紅茶3tsp (3 tsp tea)
・砂糖 4tsp (4 tsp sugar)
・全脂肪牛乳 2カップ (2 cups of whole milk)

This tea party was mainly organized by two Indian ladies who had the chance to wear Yukata at one of our events and were so impressed that they wanted to invite everyone to wear sarees.

Since India is a vast country, today’s participants also included people who speak four different languages. At the end of the event, each representative of them gave a speech in their own language, and the event ended with the singing of the national anthem. It was a very moving scene, and some of the Japanese staff were so moved that they had tears in their eyes. It was truly a wonderful event to mark the first anniversary.

The next tea party will focus on Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
