Halloween Party – 10/29 ISOGO Community Playgroup 報告 – Post-event summary

10月29日(火)のISOGO Community Playgroupは、少し早めのハロウィン・パーティー。妖精や恐竜など、いろいろな仮装をした子どもたちがたくさん集まってくれました。昨年同様ゲームをしたり、ハロウィン仕様の壁の前で記念撮影をして、楽しい時間を過ごします。今回は、フランスからのゲストも飛び入り参加し、にぎやかな会になりました。

On Tuesday, October 29, ISOGO Community Playgroup held an early Halloween party. Many children came dressed up as fairies, dinosaurs, and various other costumes. Like last year, they play games, take pictures in front of the Halloween wall, and have a good time. This time, a guest from France also jumped in to join the party, making it a lively affair.


The first game is a ball tossing contest using Halloween balls. After lining up so as not to cross the white line, the players throw the balls into their team’s bucket. Who won, the blue team or the pink team? Let’s count together in English!


The next game was bowling to knock down the ghostly pins. How many pins will fall if you throw the ball as hard as you can? If you knock down a lot of pins, you will be rewarded with a prize of candy.


After the fun songs and games with everyone, we took pictures in front of the Halloween wall. A commemorative photo of fun memories was created.

ISOGO Community Playgroup は、いろいろな国をルーツにもつ親子の遊び場です。季節に合わせて行事のお話をしたり、工作をしたり、てあそびうた、よみきかせなどをしています。

ISOGO Community Playgroup is a place for parents and children with roots in many different countries to play together. We tell stories about seasonal events, do crafts, play songs, and read stories to children.
Anyone who wants to make friends with other mothers, exchange information about childcare, or create opportunities for children to interact with each other is welcome to join. We meet once a month on Tuesdays, so please feel free to come and join us. If you would like to participate, reservations are required, so please book as soon as possible (first-come, first-served). See you next month!
